Bleskomat lnbits extension now available

We’re happy to announce that the Bleskomat lnbits extension was merged and is now available. The extension allows users of an lnbits instance to directly connect their Bleskomat ATM to an lnbits wallet account. All the standard features are supported – e.g. fiat exchange rate conversion from multiple providers, fee percent, etc.

Screenshot of the Bleskomat lnbits extension

What is lnbits?

lnbits is a custodial accounts system that sits atop a Lightning Network funding source – e.g. LND, c-lightning, LNpay, OpenNode, lntxbot, etc. It has an extensions system which allows many fun, experimental features in addition to sending and receiving Lightning payments.

Since lnbits is open-source software, it is possible to run your own instance. But it is also possible to use an instance that someone else is running. The lnbits team runs their own public instance which is available at but they discourage its use for anything other than short-term testing or experimentation.

You can find more information about lnbits on the official website.

See Connect Your Bleskomat ATM to lnbits to learn how to connect your Bleskomat ATM to lnbits using the new extension.